Materials & Publications


Posters & Presentations

Working Papers
  • FARECarbon Working Paper No. 1: Modelling the economy-wide effects of unilateral CO2 pricing under different revenue recycling schemes in Austria – Identifying structural model uncertainties (Version of 29 February 2024)

  • FARECarbon Working Paper No. 2: Modelling the economy-wide effects of unilateral CO2 pricing under different revenue recycling schemes in Austria – Searching for a triple dividend (Version of 29 February 2024)

  • FARECarbon Working Paper No. 3: Investigating equity and efficiency in carbon pricing with revenue recycling: A combined macro- and micromodelling approach (Version of 12 July 2024)

Policy Brief
  • FARECarbon Policy Brief: Ergebnisse aus Modellanalysen für Österreich zur optimalen Gestaltung einer CO2-Bepreisung mit Einnahmenrückvergütung

Related Materials
  • Factsheet from the project TransFAIR – Social Justice and Climate Policy: Impact Analyses of Climate Policy-Induced Energy Price Effects on Households in Styria

  • Working Paper from the project TransFAIR – Social Justice and Climate Policy: Impact Analyses of Climate Policy-Induced Energy Price Effects on Households in Styria