„FM4 Klimatalks“ with Veronika Kulmer
On September 18th, 2020, Veronika Kulmer was invited to the FM4 Klimatalks to talk about distributional and economic effects of carbon pricing.
Lectures for Future
Mathias Kirchner gave two online-presentations on „Climate Change and Economics“ in the course of the lecture series „Lectures for Future“ on June 10th, 2020 and October 27th, 2020.
Presentation at the 11th edition of „Klima- und Energieforum Steiermark“
Veronika Kulmer held an online-presentation about CO2-taxation at the 11th edition of „Klima- und Energieforum Steiermark“ on March 1st, 2021. Here is the link to her presentation.
Stakeholder Workshops: Development of carbon tax scenarios and revenue recycling schemes
On March 4 and March 16, 2021, stakeholder workshops were held on the scenarios for the development of a carbon tax in Austria and revenue recycling measures to be simulated in FARECarbon. After an introduction by the project team, the various aspects related to carbon taxation and revenue recycling were discussed with the workshop participants from administration, research, NGOs and interest groups. The lively discussions and the valuable comments by the participants will allow to integrate additional points in the scenario development for FARECarbon.
2nd place at the poster award of the 21st Austrian Climate Day
FARECarbon was presented by Veronika Kulmer on behalf of the entire project team at the ACRP poster session, which serves to ensure the quality of the Austrian Climate Research Programme for 2021. The poster convinced the jury in terms of visual and content presentation, scientific quality and innovation as well as social relevance. We are happy about the achieved second place!
The poster is available on the Climate Day website https://ccca.ac.at/dialogformate/oesterreichischer-klimatag/klimatag-2020-2021/programm/acrp-poster-session-1 and is also available for download below.
Presentation at the ESEE 2022 Conference
On June 15th, 2022, Mark Sommer talked about „Carbon Pricing in Austria: An Analysis of the Macroeconomic, Distributive and Ecological Effects“ at the ESEE 2022 Conference in Pisa.
Claudia Kettner-Marx at PULS24 Milborn
On May 31st, 2021, Claudia Kettner-Marx was guest at Corinna Milborn’s discussion forum on PULS24 and talked about the eco-social tax reform. Here you can watch the tv discussion.
Presentations at the summer school and annual conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
On June 24th, 2021 and October 2nd, 2021 Jakob Mayer held a presentation about whether carbon pricing is regressive at the 26th EAERE conference (online) and the EAERE summer school in Seggauberg, Austria.
Wegener Center Statement „Österreichs ökosoziale Steuerreform. Eine Einordnung und Einschätzung ihres Beitrags zur Erreichung der Klimaziele“ (13.10.2021)
FARECarbon partner „Wegener Center“ released a statement on Austria’s eco-social tax reform, co-authored by the FARECarbon team members Gabriel Bachner and Jakob Mayer. The statement can be accessed via this link.
Presentation at the ESPANET2022 in Vienna
On November 16th, 2022, Claudia Kettner-Marx talked about „Balancing Social and Ecological Goals: Redistribute Options for Carbon Pricing in an Ecological Tax Reform“ at the ESPANET 2022 in Vienna.
Presentation at the (LIS)^2ER workshop in Luxembourg
On December 1, 2022, Claudia Kettner-Marx presented preliminary results of FARECarbon at the (LIS)^2ER workshop in Luxembourg. The presentation „Balancing Social and Ecological Goals: Redistributive Options for Carbon Pricing in an Ecological Tax Reform“ can be downloaded from the LIS website.
Final FARECarbon stakeholder workshop
On March 16, 2023, the final FARECarbon stakeholder workshop took place in Vienna as a hybrid event. Moderated by Katrin Brugger from the Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA), the project consortium presented main findings from the project and discussed recommendations for the design of carbon pricing for non-ETS sectors in Austria with stakeholders from administration, science and NGOs. Click here to download the workshop slides.

Presentation at the NOeG (Salzburg) and the ECEMP (online)
On September 29, 2023 and October 5, 2023, Laura Wallenko presented selected FARECarbon results at the Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG 2023) in Salzburg and at the European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform (ECEMP 2023 ).
Presentation at the 42nd edition of the International Energy Workshop (IEW) in Bonn
On June 27, 2024, Claudia Kettner-Marx talked about potentials for a triple dividend in the context of carbon pricing under different revenue recycling schemes at the IEW in Bonn (Germany). Here is the link to the presentation slides.
Presentations at the EARE 2024 in Leuven
On July 2, 2024, Claudia Kettner-Marx and Laura Walenko presented FARECarbon results at the 29th Annual EARE Conference in Leuven. While Laura Walenko talked about the identification of structural model uncertainties in modelling the economy-wide effects of unilateral CO2 pricing under different revenue recycling schemes, Claudia Kettner discussed potentials for a triple dividend in this context.